We have been flooded with information, noise since February. And it’s gotten louder and louder throughout the year. Part of me can’t believe it’s October already, Where has the time gone? Drowned out in noise, anxiety, so-called “productivity”. I haven’t felt productive this year at all. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones whose job didn’t fall pray to Covid-19. But I don’t feel lucky. My anxiety levels have been constantly rising by the pandemic, the worry about family and friends, the fires in California, the political shouting matches, the division in this country that I chose as my home.
I’ve been told by so many that I can’t complain, because I still have a job. And by the way, why am I am not using the time to learn a new skill? What time? Spending 8 hours a day on video calls plus another 4 hours to actually get work done, isn’t “lucky, you have a job and you don’t have to commute”. It’s exhausting.

I am stepping away from the noise.
I’ve left LA behind (for now), moved to Palm Springs, to slow down a little. I will still be working, but putting up boundaries. I want to reconnect with nature, with friends, my hobbies, and find something resembling balance again.
I am stepping back into nature.
The desert is beautiful this time of the year. My favorite hiking trails are open and waiting for my return. My camera is fully charged for the next adventure. There are pumpkin patches to visit, fall foliage to chase, and new growth to be seen in burnt areas. Nature always comes through. I am excited for what fall and winter brings!